The process of showing your home to potential buyers is inconvenient. You have to straighten up and your family and pets have to vacate your property. If your property is on the market for an extended period of time, it feels even more difficult and annoying. However, it’s extremely important that you spend time and energy to show your home whenever possible.
Pitfalls of Not Showing Your Home
If you deny or delay showing your property for sale to a prospective buyer, you can suffer the following negative outcomes:
- The buyer believes you are not motivated to sell and will be difficult to work with. So they pass on making an offer.
- While the buyer waits to see your property, another similar home is available to view. They choose to pass on your home.
- Other real estate agents representing several buyers will choose to recommend other properties to their clients. This is because you are wasting their time and making it difficult to schedule their clients to view your home.
- Potential buyers and their real estate agents start to believe there is something wrong with your property. They either reduce what they want to offer, or pass on your property altogether.
All these factors work to increase the time your property is on the market. And, the longer it’s on the market, the more potential buyers wonder why other people are not interested in your property.
What it Means to Have a Successful Showing
SUCCESSFUL SHOWINGS > LEAD TO OFFERS > GETS YOUR HOME SOLD. It only takes one good buyer to sell your property. Therefore, your best option to sell your house quickly and for a good price is to have as many showings as possible. Moreover, maximize the positive impact of every showing you have.
That means you should make sure your home “shows” the best for every potential buyer. Here are some helpful hints to make your showing more successful:
You can also watch this video to get additional tips for prepping for a showing.
Remember, if you work outside your home, it means you must have it ready to go every time you leave each day. For even more property selling tips, get a copy of my free book, “Insider Home Selling Tips,” by CLICKING HERE.